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Where can park homes residents seek redress?

Most disagreements on park home sites are best dealt with informally by speaking to the neighbour, site owner, or manager of the park. If that doesn’t resolve the problem, home owners can contact LEASE-Park Homes for advice on their legal rights.

The Local Authority should have a dedicated licencing or enforcement officer to deal with disputes over the site licence or harassment arising on the park. For alleged breaches of the pitch agreement or disputes over pitch fees, the First-tier Tribunal (property chamber) (“FTT”) in England or Residential Property Tribunal in Wales can decide cases.

If you have an issue with an estate agent, you can raise a complaint with one of the two Government approved redress schemes. You can issue a complaint to either, The Property Ombudsman (TPO) or the Property Redress Schemes (TPS).

Unfortunately, park homes residents currently have no access to a dedicated redress scheme. With this said, the Government is looking into providing a specific redress scheme for park homes residents. In February, the Government published the consultation paper ‘Strengthening consumer redress in the housing market’ which aimed to understand the consumer experience of redress schemes.

In the Government’s response to this consultation, they acknowledged a gap in redress services for park home residents and committed to extending mandatory membership of a redress scheme to all residential park home site operators.

LEASE is governed by a board, appointed as individuals by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.