Go back Find the right information for you 7 Results Found Am I required to pay a commission if I inherit a park home? NEXT What is the process for paying the commission on sale of a park home? NEXT Who pays the commission on sale of a park home? NEXT What is the maximum commission rate payable on sale of a park home? NEXT Is commission payable on the sale of a park home? NEXT Government publishes report on the impact on the park homes sector of a change to the 10% commission paid on park home sales in England NEXT Welsh Government – Written Statement: Update on the commission rate from the sale of a residential park home NEXT Start again LEASE is governed by a board, appointed as individuals by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.
Government publishes report on the impact on the park homes sector of a change to the 10% commission paid on park home sales in England NEXT
Welsh Government – Written Statement: Update on the commission rate from the sale of a residential park home NEXT