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What should I do if I dispute my water charge?

You should first check your pitch agreement to see how water charges are recovered. If you are disputing a particular charge, check whether your agreement expressly provides for that charge or whether they are included in the pitch fee.

If the agreement does not expressly make provision for such a charge, the site owner would not be able to recover any amount towards water or sewerage charges within the pitch fee. You should then raise the matter with the site owner and explain why you are disputing the charges.

You have a right to apply to an independent tribunal* if you cannot reach agreement with the site owner over the disputed charge.

If you are due a refund following a tribunal decision and the site owner does not pay the money you can enforce the award via a small claim in the County Court.

*The First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) in England (“FTT”) or the Residential Property Tribunal in Wales (“RPT”).

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